Euglenoids Global Diversity Project
Euglenoids Global Diversity Project (EGDP) is a freshly established platform that aims to bring together researchers focusing on euglenoids. The project was initiated by the members of the phycology group at the Department of Botany, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice and its main goal is to develop collaboration between researchers dealing with euglenoids from any point of view and to offer a platform for mutual cooperation and knowledge sharing.
Are some species of euglenoids ubiquitous or there are some endemic species? How euglenoids are spread and what is the main vector?
How to apply modern taxonomy to classical ecology? How does variability of euglenoids affect their systematics?
Can be ubiquite species cryptic? Which relationships between morphologically similar species creating complexes? Which genera need to be revised?
we are looking for COLABORATION
We are looking for co-workers connected with knowledge about the euglenoids, especially about their their taxonomy, ecology and biogeography. If you want to join our project, feel free to contact us at
If you are interested in colaboration possibilities in more detail, clic to the button below.